What are the fiat currencies ARTH is pegged to?

ARTH is a next-generation digital currency designed to tackle the depreciation of government-owned currencies (like US Dollar, Euro, or Chinese Yuan), but at the same time remain relatively stable (unlike Gold and Bitcoin).

ARTH does this by being pegged to a basket of assets that represent strong hedges of each other.

The unique peg of ARTH looks like this:

  • 80% — Collection of Fiat currencies

  • 15% — Gold (often considered a safe-haven asset

  • 5% — Bitcoin (also started to show properties of being a safe have asset as of recently)

The Fiat currencies include:

  • USD,

  • GBP,

  • INR,

  • JPY,

  • CNY,

  • CHF,

  • CAD)

Last updated